“Fast full-waveform inversion with compressive sensing”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2011.
, “Fast least-squares migration with multiples and source estimation”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2013.
, “Fast linearized inversion with surface-related multiples with source estimation”, in SEG Workshop on Using Multiples as Signal for Imaging; Denver, 2014.
, “Fast neural FWI with amortized uncertainty quantification”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2023.
, “Fast "online" migration with Compressive Sensing”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
, “Fast RTM with multiples and source estimation”, in EAGE/SEG Forum - Turning noise into geological information: The next big step?, 2013.
, “Fast seismic imaging for marine data”, in ICASSP, 2012.
, “Fast solution of time-harmonic wave-equation for full-waveform inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2014.
, “Fast sparsity-promoting least-squares migration with multiples in time domain”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2017, pp. 4828-4832.
, “Fast uncertainty quantification for 2D full-waveform inversion with randomized source subsampling”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2014.
, “Focused recovery with the curvelet transform”, in SINBAD 2007, 2007.
, “Frequency down-extrapolation with TV norm minimization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1380-1384.
, “Frequency-domain elastic waveform inversion using weighting factors related to source-deconvolved residuals”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
, “From seismic data to the composition of rocks: an interdisciplinary and multiscale approach to exploration seismology”, in Berkhout’s valedictory address: the conceptual approach of understanding, 2007.
, “Full waveform inversion with compressive updates”, in SLRA, 2011.
, “Full waveform inversion with compressive updates”, in SIAM, 2011.
, “Full-waveform inversion from compressively recovered model updates”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2010, vol. 29, pp. 1029-1033.
, “Full-waveform inversion with Mumford-Shah regularization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 1258-1262.
, “Full-waveform inversion with randomized L1 recovery for the model updates”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2011.
, “FWI from the West Coasts: lessons learned from "Gulf of Mexico Imaging Challenges: What Can Full Waveform Inversion Achieve?"”, in SEG Workshop on FWI; Las Vegas, 2012.
, “FWI with sparse recovery: a convex-composite approach”, in ICIAM, 2011.
, “Gene Golub SIAM Summer School July 4 - 15, 2011”, in SLIM, 2011.
, “Generalized Minkowski sets for the regularization of inverse problems”, in SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2019.
, “Generative Geostatistical Modeling from Incomplete Well and Imaged Seismic Observations”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2024.
, “Generative Seismic Kriging with Normalizing Flows”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2023.