High resolution fast microseismic source collocation and source time function estimation

TitleHigh resolution fast microseismic source collocation and source time function estimation
Publication TypeConference
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsShashin Sharan, Rongrong Wang, Felix J. Herrmann
Conference NameSEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
Keywordsalgorithm, Full-waveform inversion, microseismic, passive imaging, SEG, wave equation

Sparsity promotion based joint microseismic source collocation and source time function estimation, using Linearized Bregman algorithm, although simple to implement, suffers from slow convergence. This is due to the fact that Linearized Bregman algorithm has only first order of convergence. In this work, we propose to accelerate the existing Linearized Bregman algorithm using the L-BFGS algorithm. Without any initial guess for the source location or source time function, our method is able to estimate the source location and source time function for kinematically correct smooth velocity model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for multiple sources spaced within half a wavelength. We also compare our results with Linearized Bregman based method in ``2.5``D instead of ``2``D.


(SEG, Houston)

Citation Keysharan2017SEGhrf