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“Seismic monitoring of CO2 using ensemble Kalman filtering”, 2025 Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium. 2025.
, “SAGE – Subsurface foundational model with AI-driven Geostatical Extraction”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Seismic monitoring of CO2 plume dynamics using ensemble Kalman filtering”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, , “Sensitivity of Horizontal shear waves on Geological Carbon Storage”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Solving geophysical inverse problems with scientific machine learning”, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2024.
, “Solving multiphysics-based inverse problems with learned surrogates and constraints”, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
, “Solving PDE-based inverse problems with learned surrogates and constraints”, HotCSE Seminar. 2023.
, “Spectral Gap-Based Seismic Survey Design”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023.
, “Simulation-based framework for geological carbon storage monitoring”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2022.
, “A simulation-free seismic survey design by maximizing the spectral gap”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy Expanded Abstracts, 2022.
, “Seismic Velocity Inversion and Uncertainty Quantification Using Conditional Normalizing Flows”, in AGU Annual Meeting, 2021, p. U12A-03.
, “Scaling through abstractions – high-performance vectorial wave simulations for seismic inversion with Devito”, Georgia Institute of Technology, TR-CSE-2020-3, 2020.
, “Seismic imaging with extended image volumes and source estimation”, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2020.
, “Seismic Imaging with Uncertainty Quantification: Sampling from the Posterior with Generative Networks”, in SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, 2020.
, “Serverless seismic imaging in the cloud”, in Rice Oil and Gas High Performance Computing Conference 2020, 2020.
, “Software and algorithms for large-scale seismic inverse problems”, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2020.
, “Sparsity promoting least-squares migration for long offset sparse OBN”, in SEG Workshop on Promises and Challenges with Sparse Node Ultra-long Offset OBN Acquisition in Imaging and Earth Model Building; virtual, 2020.
, “Sometimes it pays to be cheap – Compressive time-lapse seismic data acquisition”, SEG Distinguished Lecture. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2019.
, “Surface-related multiple elimination with deep learning”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2019, pp. 4629-4634.
, “Seismic data reconstruction with Generative Adversarial Networks”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2018.
, “Seismic waveform inversion using decomposed one-way wavefields”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 1379-1383.
, “Simultaneous-shot inversion for PDE-constrained optimization problems with missing data”, Inverse Problems, vol. 35, p. 025003, 2018.
, “Source estimation and uncertainty quantification for wave-equation based seismic imaging and inversion”, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2018.
, “Source estimation for wavefield-reconstruction inversion”, Geophysics, vol. 83, pp. R345-R359, 2018.