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“Coupled Permeability Inversion from Time-Lapse Seismic Data”, in Geophysical Research for Gigatonnes CO2 Storage, Colorado School of Mines, 2024.
, “CO2 reservoir monitoring through Bayesian data assimilation”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2023.
, “Coupled physics inversion for geological carbon storage monitoring”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2023.
, “Capturing velocity-model uncertainty and two-phase flow with Fourier Neural Operators”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2022, p. AI in Geoscience and Geophysics: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Dedicated Session).
, “Compressive time-lapse seismic monitoring of carbon storage and sequestration with the joint recovery model”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2021, pp. 3434-3438.
, “Compressive least squares migration with on-the-fly Fourier transforms”, in SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2019.
, “Compressive least-squares migration with on-the-fly Fourier transforms”, Geophysics, vol. 84, pp. R655-R672, 2019.
, “Compressed sensing based land simultaneous acquisition using encoded sweeps”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2018.
, “Compressive sensing based design for land and OBS surveys: The noise issue”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 102-106.
, “Compressive least-squares migration with source estimation”, UBC, TR-EOAS-2017-3, 2017.
, “Constraints versus penalties for edge-preserving full-waveform inversion”, The Leading Edge, vol. 36, pp. 94-100, 2017.
, “Composite convex smooth optimization with seismic data processing applications”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016.
, “Compressive time-lapse marine acquisition”, in SEG Workshop on Low cost geophysics: How to be creative in a cost-challenged environment; Dallas, 2016.
, “Constrained waveform inversion for automatic salt flooding”, The Leading Edge, vol. 35, pp. 235-239, 2016.
, “Constraints versus penalties for edge-preserving full-waveform inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016.
, “Constraints versus penalties for edge-preserving full-waveform inversion”, in SEG Workshop on Where are we heading with FWI; Dallas, 2016.
, “Convex & non-convex constraint sets for full-waveform inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016.
, “Comparative study of time-lapse FWI approaches”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Compressed sensing in 4-D marine–-recovery of dense time-lapse data from subsampled data without repetition”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
, “Compressive Sensing in Exploration Seismology - where we came from, where we are now, and where we need to go”, in SEG Geophysical Compressed Sensing Workshop; Beijing, China, 2015.
, “Compressive time-lapse seismic data processing using shared information”, in CSEG Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
, “Constrained waveform inversion of colocated VSP and surface seismic data”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
, “Challenges and developments arising from 2D FWI of a land VSP dataset in the Permian Basin”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “Comment on: “Application of the variable projection scheme for frequency-domain full-waveform inversion” (M. Li, J. Rickett, and A. Abubakar, Geophysics, 78, no. 6, R249–R257)”, Geophysics, vol. 79, pp. X11-X17, 2014.
, “CRMN method for solving time-harmonic wave equation”, in Copper Mountain Conference, 2014.