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Rayan Saab, Deli Wang, Ozgur Yilmaz, and Felix J. Herrmann, Curvelet-based primary-multiple separation from a Bayesian perspective, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2007, vol. 26, pp. 2510-2514.
D. J. Verschuur, Deli Wang, and Felix J. Herrmann, Multiterm multiple prediction using separated reflections and diffractions combined with curvelet-based subtraction, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2007, vol. 26, pp. 2535-2539.
Deli Wang, Rayan Saab, Ozgur Yilmaz, and Felix J. Herrmann, Recent results in curvelet-based primary-multiple separation: application to real data, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2007, vol. 26, pp. 2500-2504.
Felix J. Herrmann, Deli Wang, Gilles Hennenfent, and Peyman P. Moghaddam, Seismic data processing with curvelets: a multiscale and nonlinear approach, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2007, vol. 26, pp. 2220-2224.
Felix J. Herrmann and D. Wilkinson, Seismic noise: the good, the bad and the ugly, in SEG Summer Research Workshop: Seismic Noise: Origins Preventions, Mitigation, Utilization, 2007.
Mike Warner, Anisotropic 3D full-waveform inversion of the Tommeliten Alpha field, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
Felix J. Herrmann and Haneet Wason, Compressive sensing in marine acquisition and beyond, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
Andrew J. Calvert, Ian Hanlon, Mostafa Javanmehri, Rajiv Kumar, Tristan van Leeuwen, Xiang Li, Brendan R. Smithyman, Eric Takam Takougang, Haneet Wason, and Felix J. Herrmann, FWI from the West Coasts: lessons learned from "Gulf of Mexico Imaging Challenges: What Can Full Waveform Inversion Achieve?", in SEG Workshop on FWI; Las Vegas, 2012.
Joost van der Neut, Felix J. Herrmann, and Kees Wapenaar, Interferometric redatuming with simultaneous and missing sources using sparsity promotion in the curvelet domain, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2012, vol. 31, pp. 1-7.
Haneet Wason, Ocean bottom seismic acquisition via jittered sampling, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
Haneet Wason and Felix J. Herrmann, Only dither: efficient simultaneous marine acquisition, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
Haneet Wason and Felix J. Herrmann, Only dither: efficient simultaneous marine acquisition, in CSEG Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
Andrew J. Calvert, Ian Hanlon, Mostafa Javanmehri, Rajiv Kumar, Tristan van Leeuwen, Xiang Li, Brendan R. Smithyman, Eric Takam Takougang, Haneet Wason, and Felix J. Herrmann, Our findings on the Chevron benchmark dataset, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
