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“Compressive least-squares migration with on-the-fly Fourier transforms”, Geophysics, vol. 84, pp. R655-R672, 2019.
, “Devito (v3.1.0): an embedded domain-specific language for finite differences and geophysical exploration”, Geoscientific Model Development, 2019.
, “Domain-specific abstractions for large-scale geophysical inverse problems”, HotCSE Seminar. 2019.
, “Event-driven workflows for large-scale seismic imaging in the cloud”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2019, pp. 3984-3988.
, “Geophysics Bright Spots: Efficient coding of large-scale seismic inversion algorithms”, The Leading Edge, vol. 38, pp. 482-484, 2019.
, “A large-scale framework for symbolic implementations of seismic inversion algorithms in Julia”, Geophysics, vol. 84, pp. F57-F71, 2019.
, “Architecture and performance of Devito, a system for automated stencil computation”, ACM Trans. Math. Softw., vol. 46, 2020.
, “An Event-Driven Approach to Serverless Seismic Imaging in the Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 31, pp. 2032-2049, 2020.
, “Extended source imaging –- a unifying framework for seismic and medical imaging”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2020, pp. 3502-3506.
, “Faster Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems with Conditional Normalizing Flows”, Georgia Institute of Technology, TR-CSE-2020-2, 2020.
, “Parameterizing uncertainty by deep invertible networks, an application to reservoir characterization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2020, pp. 1541-1545.
, “Scaling through abstractions – high-performance vectorial wave simulations for seismic inversion with Devito”, Georgia Institute of Technology, TR-CSE-2020-3, 2020.
, “Seismic Imaging with Uncertainty Quantification: Sampling from the Posterior with Generative Networks”, in SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, 2020.
, “Serverless seismic imaging in the cloud”, in Rice Oil and Gas High Performance Computing Conference 2020, 2020.
, “Software and algorithms for large-scale seismic inverse problems”, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2020.
, “Time-domain sparsity promoting least-squares reverse time migration with source estimation”, Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 68, pp. 2697-2711, 2020.
, “Deep Bayesian Inference for Task-based Seismic Imaging”, in KAUST, 2021.
, “Fast and reliability-aware seismic imaging with conditional normalizing flows”, in Intelligent illumination of the Earth, 2021.
, “InvertibleNetworks.jl - Memory efficient deep learning in Julia”, in JuliaCon, 2021.
, “Learned wave-based imaging - variational inference at scale”, in Delft, 2021.
, “Low-cost time-lapse seismic imaging of CCS with the joint recovery model”, in SEG Workshop on Geophysical Challenges in Presalt Carbonates; virtual, 2021.
, “Multifidelity conditional normalizing flows for physics-guided Bayesian inference”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2021.
, “Preconditioned training of normalizing flows for variational inference in inverse problems”, in 3rd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, 2021.
, “Redwood – towards clusterless supercomputing in the cloud”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2021.
, “Seismic Velocity Inversion and Uncertainty Quantification Using Conditional Normalizing Flows”, in AGU Annual Meeting, 2021, p. U12A-03.