Research Area: Full waveform inversion and uncertainty analysis of FWI
About me: I am a Ph.D student in SLIM. I am interested in all research related to the full waveform inversion. Now my research focus on the 3D full waveform inversion and uncertainty analysis of full waveform inversion. SLIM is a fantastic group, and I really enjoy the time here.
About me: I am a Ph.D student in SLIM. I am interested in all research related to the full waveform inversion. Now my research focus on the 3D full waveform inversion and uncertainty analysis of full waveform inversion. SLIM is a fantastic group, and I really enjoy the time here.
“Time-domain sparsity promoting least-squares reverse time migration with source estimation”, Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 68, pp. 2697-2711, 2020. ,
“Source estimation and uncertainty quantification for wave-equation based seismic imaging and inversion”, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2018. ,
“Uncertainty quantification for inverse problems with weak partial-differential-equation constraints”, Geophysics, vol. 83, pp. R629-R647, 2018. ,
“Source estimation for wavefield-reconstruction inversion”, Geophysics, vol. 83, pp. R345-R359, 2018. ,
“An efficient penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization problem with source estimation and stochastic optimization”, in Applied Inverse Problems Annual Conference Proceedings, 2017, p. 40. ,
“Uncertainty quantification for inverse problems with a weak wave-equation constraint”, in WAVES 2017 –- 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, 2017, pp. 127-128. ,
“PDE-free Gauss-Newton Hessian for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2017. ,
“Uncertainty quantification for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion using a PDE free semidefinite Hessian and randomize-then-optimize method”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1390-1394. ,
“A linearized Bregman method for compressive waveform inversion”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1449-1454. ,
“Time-domain sparsity-promoting least-squares migration with source estimation”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 4225-4229. ,
“Efficient approach for quantifying uncertainty of wavefield reconstruction inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016. ,
“Time-domain sparsity-promoting least-squares migration with source estimation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016. ,
“Uncertainty quantification for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, in Inaugural Full-Waveform Inversion Workshop, 2015. ,
“Stochastic optimization and its application to seismic inversion”, in Inaugural Full-Waveform Inversion Workshop, 2015. ,
“Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion with source estimation and its application to 2014 Chevron synthetic blind test dataset”, in Inaugural Full-Waveform Inversion Workshop, 2015. ,
“Uncertainty quantification for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015. ,
“Source estimation for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015. ,
“Wavefield reconstruction inversion with source estimation and its application to 2014 Chevron synthetic blind test dataset”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015. ,
“Wavefield-reconstruction inversion with source estimation and minimum smoothness constraint – application to the Chevron 2014 dataset”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015. ,