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Felix J. Herrmann, Michael P. Friedlander, and Ozgur Yilmaz, Fighting the curse of dimensionality: compressive sensing in exploration seismology, Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, vol. 29, pp. 88-100, 2012.
Felix J. Herrmann, A primer on weak conditions for stable recovery, in SINBAD 2006, 2006.
Felix J. Herrmann, Welcome and overview of SINBAD & DNOISE, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2011.
Felix J. Herrmann, Sub-Nyquist sampling and sparsity: how to get more information from fewer samples, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2009, vol. 28, pp. 3410-3415.
Felix J. Herrmann, Welcome & Overview of the Meeting, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
Felix J. Herrmann and Bas Peters, Constraints versus penalties for edge-preserving full-waveform inversion, in SEG Workshop on Where are we heading with FWI; Dallas, 2016.
Felix J. Herrmann, Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, Xiang Li, and Tristan van Leeuwen, Full waveform inversion with compressive updates, in SLRA, 2011.
Felix J. Herrmann, NSERC 2014 DNOISE application, UBC, TR-EOAS-2014-7, 2014.
Felix J. Herrmann, Stable seismic data recovery, in AIP, 2007.
Felix J. Herrmann, Gilles Hennenfent, and Peyman P. Moghaddam, Seismic imaging and processing with curvelets, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2007.
Gilles Hennenfent, Recovery of seismic data: practical considerations, in SINBAD 2006, 2006.
Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann, Three-term amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) inversion revisited by curvelet and wavelet transforms, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2004, pp. 211-214.
Gilles Hennenfent, Lloyd Fenelon, and Felix J. Herrmann, Nonequispaced curvelet transform for seismic data reconstruction: a sparsity-promoting approach, Geophysics, vol. 75, pp. WB203-WB210, 2010.
Gilles Hennenfent, Reproducible research in computational (geo)sciences, in Graduate seminar series, 2007.
Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann, Irregular sampling: from aliasing to noise, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2007.
Gilles Hennenfent, A primer on sparsity transforms: curvelets and wave atoms, in SINBAD 2006, 2006.
Gilles Hennenfent, Ewout van den Berg, Michael P. Friedlander, and Felix J. Herrmann, New insights into one-norm solvers from the Pareto curve, Geophysics, vol. 73, pp. A23-A26, 2008.
Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann, Sparseness-constrained data continuation with frames: applications to missing traces and aliased signals in 2/3-D, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2005, pp. 2162-2165.
Gilles Hennenfent, Simply denoise: wavefield reconstruction via jittered undersampling, in SINBAD 2008, 2008.
Gilles Hennenfent and Sean Ross-Ross, Repro: a Python package for automating reproducible research in scientific computing. 2008.
Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann, Curvelet reconstruction with sparsity-promoting inversion: successes and challenges, in EAGE Workshop on Curvelets, contourlets, seislets, … in seismic data processing - where are we and where are we going?, 2007.
Gilles Hennenfent, A primer on stable signal recovery, in SINBAD, 2006.
Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann, Application of stable signal recovery to seismic data interpolation, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2006, pp. 2797-2801.
Gilles Hennenfent, Sampling and reconstruction of seismic wavefields in the curvelet domain, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2008.
Gilles Hennenfent, New insights into one-norm solvers from the Pareto curve, in SINBAD, 2008.
