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Filters: Author is Aleksandr Y. Aravkin and Keyword is SLIM [Clear All Filters]
“Fast imaging with source estimation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “A scaled gradient projection method for total variation regularized full waveform inversion”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “Total variation constrained full waveform inversion with continuation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “Fast imaging with multiples and source estimation”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Seismic data interpolation via low-rank matrix factorization in the hierarchical semi-separable representation”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Wavefield reconstruction with SVD-free low-rank matrix factorization”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Estimating nuisance parameters in inverse problems”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
, “Fast randomized full-waveform inversion with compressive sensing”, Geophysics, vol. 77, pp. A13-A17, 2012.
, “Generalized SPGL1: from theory to applications”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
, “Inverse problems using Student's t”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
, “Extensions to sparsity promotion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2011.
, “Fast full-waveform inversion with compressive sensing”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2011.
, “Full waveform inversion with compressive updates”, in SIAM, 2011.
, “A modified, sparsity promoting, Gauss-Newton algorithm for seismic waveform inversion”, in Proc. SPIE, 2011.
, “A randomized, sparsity promoting, Gauss-Newton algorithm for seismic waveform inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2011.
, “Robust FWI using Student's t & robust source estimation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2011.
, “Robust FWI using Student's t-distribution”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2011.
, “Robust FWI using Student's t-distribution”, in ICIAM, 2011.
, “Seismic waveform inversion by stochastic optimization”, International Journal of Geophysics, vol. 2011, 2011.
, “Sparsity promoting formulations and algorithms for FWI”, in ICIAM, 2011.
, “Exploiting sparsity in full-waveform inversion: nonlinear basis pursuit denoise algorithm”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Introduction to convex composite optimization”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.