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Mengmeng Yang, Marie Graff, Rajiv Kumar, and Felix J. Herrmann, Low-rank representation of subsurface extended image volumes with power iterations, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2019, pp. 4470-4474.
Rajiv Kumar, Marie Graff-Kray, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Felix J. Herrmann, Low-rank representation of extended image volumes––applications to imaging and velocity continuation, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 4418-4422.
Curt Da Silva and Felix J. Herrmann, Low-rank promoting transformations and tensor interpolation - applications to seismic data denoising, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Felix J. Herrmann, Low-rank based matrix/tensor completions for the "real" (seismic) world, in Workshop on Sparse Representations, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Optimization; Banff, 2014.
Felix J. Herrmann, Mathias Louboutin, Ziyi Yin, and Philipp A. Witte, Low-cost time-lapse seismic imaging of CCS with the joint recovery model, in SEG Workshop on Geophysical Challenges in Presalt Carbonates; virtual, 2021.
Mohammad Maysami and Felix J. Herrmann, Lithological constraints from seismic waveforms: application to opal-A to opal-CT transition, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2008, vol. 27, pp. 2011-2015.
Xintao Chai, Mengmeng Yang, Philipp A. Witte, Rongrong Wang, Zhilong Fang, and Felix J. Herrmann, A linearized Bregman method for compressive waveform inversion, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1449-1454.
Ning Tu, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Felix J. Herrmann, Limitations of the deconvolutional imaging condition for two-way propagators, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 3916-3920.
Ernie Esser, Tim T.Y. Lin, Rongrong Wang, and Felix J. Herrmann, A lifted $\ell_1/\ell_2$ constraint for sparse blind deconvolution, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
Felix J. Herrmann, Lecture 2. Gene Golub SIAM Summer School July 4 - 15, 2011, in SLIM, 2011.
Ning Tu and Felix J. Herrmann, Least-squares migration of full wavefield with source encoding, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
Rajiv Kumar, Ning Tu, Tristan van Leeuwen, and Felix J. Herrmann, Least-squares extended imaging with surface-related multiples, in CSEG Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
Ali Siahkoohi and Felix J. Herrmann, Learning by example: fast reliability-aware seismic imaging with normalizing flows, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2021, pp. 1580-1585.
Felix J. Herrmann, Ali Siahkoohi, Rafael Orozco, Gabrio Rizzuti, Philipp A. Witte, and Mathias Louboutin, Learned wave-based imaging - variational inference at scale, in Delft, 2021.
Mathias Louboutin, Rafael Orozco, Ali Siahkoohi, and Felix J. Herrmann, Learned non-linear simultenous source and corresponding supershot for seismic imaging., in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2023.
Gabrio Rizzuti, Ali Siahkoohi, and Felix J. Herrmann, Learned iterative solvers for the Helmholtz equation, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2019.
Felix J. Herrmann, Ali Siahkoohi, and Gabrio Rizzuti, Learned imaging with constraints and uncertainty quantification, in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019.
Ziyi Yin, Ali Siahkoohi, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Learned coupled inversion for carbon sequestration monitoring and forecasting with Fourier neural operators, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy Expanded Abstracts, 2022.
Philipp A. Witte, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Large-scale workflows for wave-equation based inversion in Julia, in SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2017.
Felix J. Herrmann and Peyman P. Moghaddam, Just diagonalize: a curvelet-based approach to seismic amplitude recovery, in EAGE Workshop on Curvelets, contourlets, seislets, … in seismic data processing - where are we and where are we going?, 2007.
Gilles Hennenfent, Just denoise: nonlinear recovery from randomly sampled data, in SINBAD 2007, 2007.
