“SVD-free matrix completion in randomized marine acquisition”, in SEG Workshop on Rank-Reduction and Other Sparse Transform Methods with Application to Data Reconstruction, De-Noising, De-Blending and Imaging; New Orleans, 2015.
, “Time compressively sampled full-waveform inversion with stochastic optimization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2015, pp. 5153-5157.
, “Fast linearized inversion with surface-related multiples with source estimation”, in SEG Workshop on Using Multiples as Signal for Imaging; Denver, 2014.
, “Mitigating data gaps in the estimation of primaries by sparse inversion without data reconstruction”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 4157-4161.
, “Randomization and repeatability in time-lapse marine acquisition”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 46-51.
, “Randomized HSS acceleration for full-wave-equation depth stepping migration”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 3752-3756.
, “Randomized sampling without repetition in time-lapse surveys”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 4848-4852.
, “Seismic trace interpolation with approximate message passing”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 3621-3626.
, “Source separation via SVD-free rank minimization in the hierarchical semi-separable representation”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 120-126.
, “A sparse reduced Hessian approximation for multi-parameter wavefield reconstruction inversion”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 1206-1210.
, “Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion (WRI) – a new take on wave-equation based inversion”, in SEG Workshop on Full Waveform Inversion - Elastic Approaches and Issues with Anisotropy, Nonshallow Inversion, Poor Starting Model; Denver, 2014.
, “AVA analysis and geological dip estimation via two-way wave-equation based extended images”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 423-427.
, “Controlling linearization errors in $\ell_1$ regularized inversion by rerandomization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 4640-4644.
, “Dense shot-sampling via time-jittered marine sources”, in SEG Workshop on Simultaneous Sources; Houston, 2013.
, “Efficient WEMVA using extended images”, in SEG Workshop on Advances in Model Building, Imaging, and FWI; Houston, 2013.
, “Fast RTM with multiples and source estimation”, in EAGE/SEG Forum - Turning noise into geological information: The next big step?, 2013.
, “Limitations of the deconvolutional imaging condition for two-way propagators”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 3916-3920.
, “Optimization driven model-space versus data-space approaches to invert elastic data with the acoustic wave equation”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 986-990.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization with applications to wave-equation based seismic inversion”, in SEG Workshop on Computational Mathematics for Geophysics; Houston, 2013.
, “Recent developments in wave-equation based inversion technology”, in SEG Workshop on FWI; Oman, 2013.
, “Reconstruction of seismic wavefields via low-rank matrix factorization in the hierarchical-separable matrix representation”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 3628-3633.
, “Structured tensor missing-trace interpolation in the Hierarchical Tucker format”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 3623-3627.
, “Time-jittered ocean bottom seismic acquisition”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2013, vol. 32, pp. 1-6.
, “Accelerated large-scale inversion with message passing”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2012, vol. 31, pp. 1-6.
, “FWI from the West Coasts: lessons learned from "Gulf of Mexico Imaging Challenges: What Can Full Waveform Inversion Achieve?"”, in SEG Workshop on FWI; Las Vegas, 2012.