“Exploiting sparsity in full-waveform inversion: nonlinear basis pursuit denoise algorithm”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Full-waveform inversion from compressively recovered model updates”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2010, vol. 29, pp. 1029-1033.
, “Full-waveform inversion with randomized L1 recovery for the model updates”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Hybrid stochastic-deterministic methods”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Introduction to convex composite optimization”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Introduction to Spot: a linear-operator toolbox”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Kronecker product optimization in SPOT”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Leveraging informed blind deconvolution techniques for the estimation of primaries by sparse inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Parallelizing operations with ease using Parallel SPOT”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Randomized dimensionality reduction for full-waveform inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2010.
, “Randomized full-waveform inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Randomized full-waveform inversion: a dimenstionality-reduction approach”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2010, vol. 29, pp. 977-982.
, “Randomized sampling strategies”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2010.
, “Recovering compressively sampled signals using partial support information”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Sequential source data recovery from simultaneous acquisition through transform-domain sparsity promotion - curvelet versus shearlet transform”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Software release: estimation of primaries by L1 inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Software releases and architecture”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Sparse approximations and compressive sensing: an overview”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Sparse optimization and the L1 norm”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Sparsity promoting migration with surface-related multiples”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
, “Sparsity-promoting migration from surface-related multiples”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2010, vol. 29, pp. 3333-3337.
, “Stabilized estimation of primaries via sparse inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2010.
, , “Waveform inversion by stochastic optimization”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2010.
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