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“Signal reconstruction from incomplete and misplaced measurements”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2007.
, “Curvelet-based seismic data processing: a multiscale and nonlinear approach”, Geophysics, vol. 73, pp. A1-A5, 2008.
, “New insights into one-norm solvers from the Pareto curve”, in SINBAD, 2008.
, “New insights into one-norm solvers from the Pareto curve”, Geophysics, vol. 73, pp. A23-A26, 2008.
, “Non-parametric seismic data recovery with curvelet frames”, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 173, pp. 233-248, 2008.
, “One-norm regularized inversion: learning from the Pareto curve”, UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences Department, TR-EOAS-2008-5, 2008.
, “One-norm regularized inversion: learning from the Pareto curve”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2008.
, , “Sampling and reconstruction of seismic wavefields in the curvelet domain”, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2008.
, “Seismic data interpolation with symmetry”, in SINBAD 2008, 2008.
, “Simply denoise: wavefield reconstruction via jittered undersampling”, in SINBAD 2008, 2008.
, “Simply denoise: wavefield reconstruction via jittered undersampling”, Geophysics, vol. 73, pp. V19-V28, 2008.
, “Beating Nyquist by randomized sampling”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2009.
, “Sparco: a testing framework for sparse reconstruction”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 35, pp. 1-16, 2009.
, “Nonequispaced curvelet transform for seismic data reconstruction: a sparsity-promoting approach”, Geophysics, vol. 75, pp. WB203-WB210, 2010.