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Shashin Sharan, Rajiv Kumar, Rongrong Wang, and Felix J. Herrmann, A debiasing approach to microseismic, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 2942-2946.
Huseyin Tuna Erdinc, Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, Ziyi Yin, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, De-risking GCS projects with explainable CO$_2$ leakage detection in time-lapse seismic images, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2022.
Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, Haoyun Li, Ziyi Yin, Rafael Orozco, and Felix J. Herrmann, A Digital Twin for Geological Carbon Storage with Controlled Injectivity, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
Felix J. Herrmann, Digital twins in the era of generative AI, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, 2023.
Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, Rafael Orozco, Haoyun Li, Huseyin Tuna Erdinc, Ziyi Yin, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Digital Twins in the era of generative AI - Application to Geological CO2 Storage, ICL Seminar. 2024.
Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, Rafael Orozco, Haoyun Li, Huseyin Tuna Erdinc, Ziyi Yin, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Digital Twins in the Era of Generative AI: Application to Geological CO2 Storage, HCMF Seminar. 2024.
Philipp A. Witte, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Domain-specific abstractions for large-scale geophysical inverse problems, HotCSE Seminar. 2019.
Felix J. Herrmann, Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, Rafael Orozco, Ziyi Yin, and Haoyun Li, DT4GCS –- Digital Twin for Geological CO2 Storage and Control, in Gigatonnes CO2 Storage Workshop, 2024.
Mathias Louboutin, Philipp A. Witte, and Felix J. Herrmann, Effects of wrong adjoints for RTM in TTI media, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2018, pp. 331-335.
Felix J. Herrmann and Xiang Li, Efficient least-squares imaging with sparsity promotion and compressive sensing, Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 60, pp. 696-712, 2012.
Felix J. Herrmann and Xiang Li, Efficient least-squares migration with sparsity promotion, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2011.
Yunlin Zeng, Rafael Orozco, Ziyi Yin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Enhancing Full-Waveform Variational Inference through Stochastic Resampling and Data Augmentation, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2024.
Yunlin Zeng, Ziyi Yin, Rafael Orozco, Mathias Louboutin, and Felix J. Herrmann, Enhancing Full-Waveform Variational Inference through Stochastic Resampling, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
S. Zeng, Huseyin Tuna Erdinc, Ziyi Yin, Abhinav Prakash Gahlot, and Felix J. Herrmann, Enhancing Performance with Uncertainty Estimation in Geological Carbon Storage Leakage Detection from Time-Lapse Seismic Data, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
Abhinav Prakash Gahlot and Felix J. Herrmann, Enhancing robustness of Digital Shadow for CO 2 Storage Monitoring with Augmented Rock Physics Modeling. 2025.
Philipp A. Witte, Mathias Louboutin, Henryk Modzelewski, Charles Jones, James Selvage, and Felix J. Herrmann, An Event-Driven Approach to Serverless Seismic Imaging in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 31, pp. 2032-2049, 2020.
Philipp A. Witte, Mathias Louboutin, Henryk Modzelewski, Charles Jones, James Selvage, and Felix J. Herrmann, Event-driven workflows for large-scale seismic imaging in the cloud, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2019, pp. 3984-3988.
