ML4Seismic Partners Meeting - 2023 - Overview
The 2023 ML4Seismic Industry Partners Meeting will be held in person person on the first floor (room 114) of the CODA Building at the Georgia Institute of Technologyat the Georgia Institute of Technology. The meeting is scheduled for November 7—9, 2023.
Center for Machine Learning for Seismic (ML4Seismic)
A joint initiative at the Georgia Institute of Technology between Omni Lab for Intelligent Visual Engineering and Science (Olives) lead by professor Ghassan AlRegib (ECE) and the Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling (SLIM) lead by professor Felix J. Herrmann (EAS, CSE, ECE), innovators in the energy sector, and major Cloud providers.
Georgia Tech’s Center for Machine Learning for Seismic (ML4Seismic) is designed to foster research partnerships aimed to drive innovations in artificial-intelligence assisted seismic imaging, interpretation, analysis, and monitoring in the cloud.
Through training and collaboration, the ML4Seismic Industry Partners Program promotes novel approaches that balance new insights from machine learning with established approaches grounded in physics and geology. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, low-environmental impact time-lapse acquisition, data-constrained image segmentation, classification, physics-constrained machine learning, and uncertainty quantification. These research areas are well aligned with Georgia Tech’s strengths in computational/data sciences and engineering.