Fast imaging with multiples

TitleFast imaging with multiples
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsNing Tu
KeywordsPresentation, SINBAD, SINBADFALL2012, SLIM

If correctly used, multiple energy can be mapped to the correct subsurface locations. However, simply applying the cross-correlation imaging condition will introduce non-causal artifacts into the final image. Here we propose an inversion approach to image primaries and multiples simultaneously that yields an artifact-free image. To address the high computational cost associated with inversion, we propose to: i) have the wave-equation solver carry out the multi-dimensional convolutions implicitly, and ii) reduce the number of PDE solves by randomized subsampling. We then propose to improve the overall performance of this algorithm by a process called rerandomization, which helps to cancel the correlation built between model iterate and the subsampling operator. We show the merits of our approach on a number of examples.

Citation Keyning2012SINBADfim