Unified compressive sensing framework for simultaneous acquisition with primary estimation

TitleUnified compressive sensing framework for simultaneous acquisition with primary estimation
Publication TypeConference
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsTim T.Y. Lin, Felix J. Herrmann
Conference NameSEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
KeywordsPresentation, SEG

The central promise of simultaneous acquisition is a vastly improved crew efficiency during acquisition at the cost of additional post-processing to obtain conventional source-separated data volumes. Using recent theories from the field of compressive sensing, we present a way to systematically model the effects of simultaneous acquisition. Our formulation form a new framework in the study of acquisition design and naturally leads to an inversion-based approach for the separation of shot records. Furthermore, we show how other inversion-based methods, such as a recently proposed method from van Groenestijn and Verschuur (2009) for primary estimation, can be processed together with the demultiplexing problem to achieve a better result compared to a separate treatment of these problems.

Citation Keylin2009SEGucs