Source collocation using the method of Linearized Bregman

TitleSource collocation using the method of Linearized Bregman
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsShashin Sharan, Rongrong Wang, Felix J. Herrmann
KeywordsPresentation, SINBAD, SINBADFALL2015, SLIM

In this work, we present a method to collocate sources from seismic reflections recorded at receiver locations. We use the method of linearized Bregman. This algorithm focuses unknown sources by promoting sparsity in the “Helmholtz domain”—i.e., the wavefield under the action of the the Helmholtz system—under the constraint of a data misfit within a particular tolerance. We extend this method to noisy measurements. We are in particular interested in situations where the noise is coherent because it is in the range of the Helmholtz equation.

Citation Keysharan2015SINBADFscu