“A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization with applications to wave-equation based seismic inversion”, in SEG Workshop on Computational Mathematics for Geophysics; Houston, 2013.
, “A new take on FWI: wavefield reconstruction inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2014.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization”, UBC, WO 2014/172787, 2014.
, “A sparse reduced Hessian approximation for multi-parameter wavefield reconstruction inversion”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2014, pp. 1206-1210.
, “Wave-equation based inversion with the penalty method: adjoint-state versus wavefield-reconstruction inversion”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2014.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization in inverse problems”, Inverse Problems, vol. 32, p. 015007, 2015.
, “Wavefield-reconstruction inversion”, in Conference on Applied Inverse Problems, 2015.
, “An efficient penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization problem with source estimation and stochastic optimization”, in Applied Inverse Problems Annual Conference Proceedings, 2017, p. 40.
, “A numerical solver for least-squares sub-problems in 3D wavefield reconstruction inversion and related problem formulations”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2019, pp. 1536-1540.