Research Area: My main work currently focuses on computational methods for large scale inverse problems such as seismic inversion. Inverse problems such as seismic inversion require access to scientific computing framework in order to solve the wave equation. With Devito, my main work during my Ph.D, I provide a high-level symbolic DSL for the definition of partial differential equation. Devito then automatically generate and compile highly performant low-level C-code to solve the wave--equation while domain specialist such as geophysicist or mathematics only need to define it at a readable level. This works enable research and development that would be unfeasible or would requires years of work without the simple and accessible interface and solver I developed. I am also working on methods for solving seismic inversion problems, that are non-convex PDE constrained optimization problems, as well as on the extension to advanced representations of the physics of methods that are currently restricted to the trivial isotropic acoustic case.
Devito is an open-source project that can be found at:
About me: Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of computing, CSE. I completed a Bs.C. in Mathematics and Physics, did two years of aircraft engineering and obtained a Ms.C in applied Mathematics with honors at Universite of Rennes 1 in France before starting my Ph.D. with Professor Felix. J. Herrmann. Expected to graduate in Spring 2020.
About me: Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of computing, CSE. I completed a Bs.C. in Mathematics and Physics, did two years of aircraft engineering and obtained a Ms.C in applied Mathematics with honors at Universite of Rennes 1 in France before starting my Ph.D. with Professor Felix. J. Herrmann. Expected to graduate in Spring 2020.
“Digital Twins in the era of generative AI — Application to Geological CO2 Storage”, in ICON Seminar in IoT, 2024. ,
“WISER: full-Waveform variational Inference via Subsurface Extensions with Refinements”, in International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, 2024. ,
“Time-lapse full-waveform permeability inversion: a feasibility study”, The Leading Edge, vol. 43, 2024. ,
“DT4GCS — Digital Twin for Geological CO2 Storage and Control”, in Geophysical Research for Gigatonnes CO2 Storage, Colorado School of Mines, 2024. ,
“Coupled Permeability Inversion from Time-Lapse Seismic Data”, in Geophysical Research for Gigatonnes CO2 Storage, Colorado School of Mines, 2024. ,
“InvertibleNetworks.jl: A Julia package for scalable normalizing flows”, Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 9, 2024. ,
“Digital Twins in the era of generative AI - Application to Geological CO2 Storage”, ICL Seminar. 2024. ,
“Neural wave-based imaging with amortized uncertainty quantification”, ICL Seminar. 2024. ,
“Normalizing Flows for Bayesian Experimental Design in Imaging Applications”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2024. ,
“Neural wave-based imaging with amortized uncertainty quantification”, in Inverse Problems: Modelling and Simulation, 2024. ,
“Digital Twins in the Era of Generative AI: Application to Geological CO2 Storage”, HCMF Seminar. 2024. ,
“Enhancing Full-Waveform Variational Inference through Stochastic Resampling”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024. ,
“Generative AI for full-waveform variational inference”, Georgia Tech Geophysics Seminar. 2024. ,
“WISE: full-Waveform variational Inference via Subsurface Extensions”, Geophysics, vol. 89, 2024. ,
“Normalizing Flows for Bayesian Experimental Design in Imaging Applications”, in SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, 2024. ,
“An Uncertainty-Aware Digital Twin for Geological Carbon Storage”, in SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, 2024. ,
“WISE: Full-waveform Inference with Subsurface Extensions”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2023. ,
“Improved automatic seismic CO2 leakage detection via dataset augmentation”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2023. ,
“End-to-end permeability inversion from prestack time-lapse seismic data: a case study on Compass model”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2023. ,