Software Release 2014 (May 2, 2014)
Software releases — GitHub
We are glad to announce that we moved the SINBAD Software Releases to GitHub. We hope that this will make it easier for our industrial partners to download our latest software. GitHubwill also give us more flexibility to share software updates more frequently with you. Please refer to a separate email entitled “SINBAD Software Releases at GitHub” that was communicated to you with details on the use of GitHub.
- WRIm—Wavefield Reconstruction Imaging. Wave-equation based imaging derived from our Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion framework where images are created via cross-correlations of solutions of the data-augmented wave equation – where solutions are sought that fit both the data and the wave-equation — and the corresponding wave-equation residues. The advantage of this method is that it does not need to solve the adjoint wave equation. For questions contact Bas Peters. [Read more] [GitHub]
- Seismic data regularization, interpolation, and denoising using factorization based low-rank optimization. This application package demonstrate the simultaneous seismic data interpolation and denoising on a 2D seismic line from Gulf of Suez. For questions contact Rajiv Kumar. [Read more] [GitHub]
- Missing-receiver interpolation of 3D frequency slices using Hierarchical Tucker Tensor optimization. Missing receiver interpolation of frequency slices in 3D seismic acquisition using the Hierarchical Tucker tensor format. This interpolation scheme exploits the low-rank behavior of different reshapings of seismic data into matrices, in particular at low frequencies. We demonstrate this technique on a simple frequency slice of data. For questions contact Curt DaSilva. [Read more] [GitHub]