Extended images in action –- image gather with surface-related multiples

TitleExtended images in action –- image gather with surface-related multiples
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRajiv Kumar, Ning Tu, Tristan van Leeuwen, Felix J. Herrmann
KeywordsPresentation, SINBAD, SINBADFALL2014, SLIM

Common image gathers are used in building velocity models, invert anisotropy parameters and to analyze reservoir attributes. Often primary reflections are used to form the image gathers and multiples are typically attenuated in processing. However, researchers have shown that, if correctly used, they can provide useful information about the subsurface during reverse-time migration. In this work, i will show how we can use multiples along with primaries to form the image-gathers.

Citation Keykumar2014SINBADeia