Variational inference for artifact removal of adjoint solutions in photoacoustic problems

TitleVariational inference for artifact removal of adjoint solutions in photoacoustic problems
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsRafael Orozco, Ali Siahkoohi, Gabrio Rizzuti, Felix J. Herrmann
Keywordsconditional prior, deep image, MAP, ML4SEISMIC, normalizing flow, Photoacoustic, SLIM, Variational Inference

Photoacoustic is a medical imaging modality which combines light and ultrasound waves to image internal structures of biological tissue. The inverse problem reconstructs the tissue initially excited by light given propagated ultrasound data at receivers outside the tissue. Due to noisy, limited-view and sparse receiver data, traditional time-reversal adjoint solutions are highly ill-posed. This necessitates uncertainty quantification to communicate to practitioners which areas of the image can be trusted. We propose a framework which leverages a machine learning based method (Conditional Normalizing Flows) to learn the full posterior distribution of viable solutions given the time-reversal adjoint solution. We show that areas of calculated uncertainty correlate with structures that are known to be difficult to image. In addition, we also propose a MAP based solution, which solves the variational least-squares problem while using the trained Conditional Normalizing Flow as a prior distribution.

Citation Keyorozco2021ML4SEISMICvia