Software Release 2011 (Feb 28, 2011)
We are glad to announce the Major software release for the consortium members.
This release includes the following new and/or updated components:
- Applications:
- Robust Estimation of Primaries by Sparse Inversion (via L1 minimization).
- Tools:
- Robust Estimation of Primaries by Sparse Inversion - algorithm.
- SLIMs' version of SPGL1 1.6 adapted for parallel computations.
- SLIM's version of SPOT adapted for needs of pSPOT.
- pSPOT parallel extensions to SPOT.
As usually, the highlights of SLIM software may be accessed at :
New item are tagged as New. Updated items are tagged us Updated.
Release info and downloads for this specific release can be accessed at :
The top-level directory name of the unpacked tarball is called SoftReleaseFeb11.
Note that both sites are protected. Please, contact at, if you have problems with access to those sites.