 | Simply denoise: wavefield reconstruction via jittered
undersampling |  |
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Next: Fourier-domain undersampling artifacts
Up: Basics of compressive sampling
Previous: Recovery by sparsity-promoting inversion
Following Verdu (1998) and Donoho et al. (2006),
we define the matrix
to study the undersampling
. The matrix
is the identity
matrix and the parameter
is a scaling factor such that
. For more general problems and
in particular in the field of digital communications, these
undersampling artifacts
are referred to as
Multiple-Access Interference (MAI).
According to the CS theory (Donoho, 2006; Candès et al., 2006), the
in equation 3 and
coincide when two conditions are met, namely 1)
is sufficiently sparse, i.e.,
has few
nonzero entries, and 2) the undersampling artifacts are incoherent,
does not contain coherent energy. The first
condition of sparsity requires that the energy of
well concentrated in the sparsifying domain. The second condition of
incoherent random undersampling artifacts involves the study of the
sparsifying transform
in conjunction with the restriction
. Intuitively, it requires that the artifacts
introduced by undersampling the original signal
are not sparse in the
domain. When this
condition on
is not met, sparsity alone is no longer an
effective prior to solve the recovery problem. Albeit qualitative, the
second condition provides a fundamental insight in choosing
undersampling schemes that favor recovery by sparsity-promoting
 | Simply denoise: wavefield reconstruction via jittered
undersampling |  |
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Next: Fourier-domain undersampling artifacts
Up: Basics of compressive sampling
Previous: Recovery by sparsity-promoting inversion