old/auto/SConstruct File Reference

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curdir from os path import dirname
curdir from os path import join
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ 
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ 
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ files in 
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ files in 
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ files in 
curdir from os path import
abspath import SLIMpy from os
import environ files in imp 

Variable Documentation

Initial value:

Copyright 2008 Sean Ross-Ross
__license__ =  """
This file is part of SLIMpy.

SLIMpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

SLIMpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with SLIMpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from os import walk

Definition at line 1 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import dirname

Definition at line 1 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ files in imp env

Initial value:

 Environment(ENV = dict(PATH = environ['PATH'],PYTHONPATH = environ["PYTHONPATH"] , RSFROOT = environ["RSFROOT"] ) )

subdir = abspath(curdir)
topdir = abspath(str(env.Dir('#')))

result = []
installs = []
for file

Definition at line 56 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ files in imp html

Definition at line 40 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import join

Definition at line 1 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ files in ldir

Initial value:


            for f in files:
                if f.endswith(".py"):
                    file = join(dir,f)
                    if f == "__init__.py":
                        imp = ".".join(ldir)
                        html = ".".join(ldir+["html"])
                        imp = ".".join(ldir+[f[:-3]])
                        html = ".".join(ldir+[f[:-3] + ".html"])
                    yield file

Definition at line 40 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ nextdirs

Definition at line 27 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ slfile

Initial value:

w = walk( slfile )
fpath = "/".join(slfile.split("/")[:-1])+"/"

PYTHONPATH = environ.get("PYTHONPATH","")

pydoc = WhereIs('pydoc')
def helper():
    for dir

Definition at line 27 of file SConstruct.

Definition at line 1 of file SConstruct.

curdir from os path import abspath import SLIMpy from os import environ files in w

Definition at line 27 of file SConstruct.

Generated on Sun Aug 10 09:11:07 2008 for SLIMpy by  doxygen 1.5.6