Package PadAdiabatic

Pads image adiabatically (Neumann conditions, that is repeating boundary conditions). More...


def PadAdiabatic

Detailed Description

Pads image adiabatically (Neumann conditions, that is repeating boundary conditions).

PadAdiabatic is the padding function. We first allocate space for padded image.

 def PadAdiabatic(A):
 # Subroutine for Neumann adiabatic extension along the boundary,
 # Input : gray image A of n x m;
 # Output: an expanded image (across four boundary edges)
  (n, m) = A.shape
  Ae = np.zeros((n+2, m+2), 'f')

Copy over the original image into the interior of the padded image that will be returned by the function.

  for i in range(1,n+1):
     for j in range(1,m+1):
        Ae[i][j] = A[i-1][j-1]

Copy over each boundary to the boundary of the padded image, so that the padded image has values repeated at its boundaries

  #the four boundary edges
  for j in range(1,m+1):
     Ae[0][j] = A[0][j-1]
     Ae[n+1,j] = A[n-1][j-1]
  for i in range(1,n+1):

Also copy over the corners from the original image to the padded image.


Return the padded image.

  return Ae

Function Documentation

def PadAdiabatic.PadAdiabatic (   A  ) 

A The input image which we wish to pad

Definition at line 84 of file

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