SLIMpy/SCons Integration

This group contains all of the SLIMpy SCons integration functionality such as SCons Builders, Tools and helper functions. More...


class  slim_builder
 This function is for SCons integration with SLIMpy inline inside the SConstruct file. More...
class  slim_builder_simple
 This function is for SCons integration with SLIMpy inline inside the SConstruct file. More...


def SolveBuilder
 Base solve routine with no default values env must define the following functions:.

Detailed Description

This group contains all of the SLIMpy SCons integration functionality such as SCons Builders, Tools and helper functions.

Function Documentation

def (   target,

Base solve routine with no default values env must define the following functions:.

problem is a package containing default callbacks and documentation. see contrib_problems for a list of existing problems in SLIMpy
setup_callback defined as setup_callback( target, source, env ): returns the initial vector, useful for managing augmented vectors
solver_callback defined as solver_callback( target, source, env, A ): returns a solver instance
precondition_callback defined as precondition_callback( target, source, env, space ): returns the preconditioner linear operator 'P'
transform_callback defined as transform_callback( target, source, env, space ): returns the transform 'A' to pass to the solver 'solve' method
inv_callback defined as inv_callback( target, source, env, space ): optional, returns the linear operator 'C' in not specified uses the transform_callback
result_callback defined as result_callback( target, source, env, result ) returns None sets the name of the result, useful for managing augmented vectors
Solves The system of equations:
     >>> b = P*data
     >>> x = solver.solve(A,  b )
     >>> result = P.adj() * ( C*x )
  • data is the result of calling setup_callback
  • P is the result of calling precondition_callback
  • solver is the result of calling solver_callback
  • C is the result of calling inv_callback
  • result will be given to result_callback if it was given otherwise SolveBuilder calls result.setName for the fist SCons target passed in.
The SolveBuilder builder ultimately ends up as a SLIMpy builder. Using SolveBuilder in SCons is a bit different. In SCons SolveBulider is just called Solve.
     from slimproj import *
     from SLIMpy.problems import *
     def transform_callback( target, source, env, space ):
         return Identity( space )
     Solve( target, source, problem=l2_min_problem,
             transform_callback=transform_callback )
See also:

Definition at line 90 of file

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