Solve the full problem
- Objectives:
- Create an Augmented system of equations
- Change verbosity of the output
- Additional inputs:
- Additional outputs:
The augmented operator created here represents the operator in the above equation.
AH = AugOperator( [[PC],
[W]] )
Also note that the options passed into the SwellSeparation builder have changed.
debug=['stat'] , logfile='sep.log'
the debug=['stat'] tells
SLIMpy to only print the current status to the screen. The logfile options save all of the printed and unprinted output to the file sep.log. since there is so much information sep.log is not an ascii file and it must be viewd with the slimpy executable.
- Example usage:
- To view the output the same as the provious example do: -a cmd -a err sep.log