/Users/sean/workspace/SLIMpy3/scripts/configure_slimpy.py File Reference

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namespace  configure_slimpy


def get_rc_filename
def check_exists
 checks if the rc file already exists and if so prompt the user if they truly want to over write it
def create_dict_lines
 Write the current defaults to the SLIMpy rc file with documentation.
def write_header
 Write the preamble to the rc file.


string __copyright__
string __license__
int RC_VERSION = 1
tuple pars = parse_args( )
list dest = pars['dest']
list rc_name = pars['rc_name']
tuple slim_rcfile = get_rc_filename( dest, rc_name )
tuple slimpy_rc = open( slim_rcfile, 'w' )

Generated on Sun Aug 10 09:11:07 2008 for SLIMpy by  doxygen 1.5.6