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“Sometimes it pays to be cheap – Compressive time-lapse seismic data acquisition”, SEG Distinguished Lecture. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2019.
, “Solving WRI’s data-augmented wave equation in 3D”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Solving the data-augmented wave equation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Solving PDE-based inverse problems with learned surrogates and constraints”, HotCSE Seminar. 2023.
, “SLIM's perspective on HPC & big data”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2012.
, “SLIM's findings on the Machar dataset”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Single- and multi-parameter WRI –- synthetic examples”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “Simulation-based framework for geological carbon storage monitoring”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2022.
, “Sensitivity of Horizontal shear waves on Geological Carbon Storage”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Seismic monitoring of CO2 plume dynamics using ensemble Kalman filtering”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Seismic data interpolation with Generative Adversarial Networks”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2017.
, “Seismic data interpolation via low-rank matrix factorization in the hierarchical semi-separable representation”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Scaling SINBAD software to 3-D on Yemoja”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “A scaled gradient projection method for total variation regularized full waveform inversion”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “SAGE – Subsurface foundational model with AI-driven Geostatical Extraction”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Resolving scaling ambiguities with the L1/L2 norm in a blind deconvolution problem with feedback”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Relaxing the physics: a penalty method for full-waveform inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Relax the physics & expand the search space – FWI via Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.
, “Regularizing waveform inversion by projections onto intersections of convex sets”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Regularizing waveform inversion by projections onto convex sets”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Reconstruction of S-waves from low-cost randomized acquisition”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2017.
, “Reconstructing Permeability and Saturation in Reservoir Simulation Using Diffusion PDE Models”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “Recent improvements to the 2/3—D imaging & inversion algorithms in the SLIM software release”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Recent developments in compressive sensing for time-lapse studies”, SINBAD Spring consortium talks. SINBAD, 2015.
, “Rank minimization via alternating optimization”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2014.