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“A parallel windowed fast discrete curvelet transform applied to seismic processing”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2006, vol. 25, pp. 2767-2771.
, “Parameterizing uncertainty by deep invertible networks, an application to reservoir characterization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2020, pp. 1541-1545.
, “Pass on the message: recent insights in large-scale sparse recovery”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
, “PDE-free Gauss-Newton Hessian for Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2017.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization”, UBC, TR-EOAS-2013-6, 2013.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization”, UBC, WO 2014/172787, 2014.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization in inverse problems”, Inverse Problems, vol. 32, p. 015007, 2015.
, “A penalty method for PDE-constrained optimization with applications to wave-equation based seismic inversion”, in SEG Workshop on Computational Mathematics for Geophysics; Houston, 2013.
, “Performance prediction of finite-difference solvers for different computer architectures”, Computers & Geosciences, vol. 105, pp. 148-157, 2017.
, “Permeability and storativity of binary mixtures of high-and low-porosity materials”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 109, p. B12207, 2004.
, “Phase transitions in explorations seismology: statistical mechanics meets information theory”, in COIP, 2007.
, “Phase velocity error minimizing scheme for the anisotropic pure P-wave equation”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016, pp. 452-457.
, “Phase velocity error minimizing scheme for the anisotropic pure P-wave equation”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2016.
, “Phase-residual based quality-control methods and techniques for mitigating cycle skips”, SINBAD Fall consortium talks. SINBAD, 2013.
, “Phase-space matched filtering and migration preconditioning”, in SINBAD 2008, 2008.
, “Photoacoustic Imaging with Conditional Priors from Normalizing Flows”, in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.
, “Physical Bayesian Inference for Two-Phase Flow Problems”, ML4SEISMIC Partners Meeting. 2024.
, “The power of abstraction in Computational Exploration Seismology”, in Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference, 2018.
, “A practical workflow for land seismic wavefield recovery with weighted matrix factorization”, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2021, pp. 145-149.
, “Preconditioned training of normalizing flows for variational inference in inverse problems”, in 3rd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, 2021.
, “Preconditioning the Helmholtz equation via row-projections”, in EAGE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2012.
, “Prediction of stratigraphic units from spectral co-occurance coefficients of well logs”, in CSEG Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015.
, “Primary-multiple separation by curvelet frames”, in SINBAD 2006, 2006, vol. 170, pp. 781-799.
, “A primer on sparsity transforms: curvelets and wave atoms”, in SINBAD 2006, 2006.
, “A primer on weak conditions for stable recovery”, in SINBAD 2006, 2006.