Parallel 3D frequency domain full waveform inversion
This software release includes a demonstration of 3D frequency-domain FWI inversion using a stencil-based Helmholtz matrix-vector multiply, Multi-level GMRES preconditioner, automatic parallelization over source/frequency, and a stochastic LBFGS scheme, described in
[1] "A unified 2D/3D software environment for large scale time-harmonic full waveform inversion", Curt Da Silva and Felix Herrmann, SEG 2016 (Submitted).
Author: Curt Da Silva Date : April, 2016
Downloading & Dependencies
The code can be found in the SLIM sofware release under /applications/WaveformInversion/3DParallelBatching.
The code has been tested with Matlab R2015b and requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox for some of the functionality.
This code uses the following packages, also found in the tools part of the SLIM software release.
- utilities/SPOT - object oriented framework for matrix-free linear algebra.
- utilities/pSPOT - parallel extension of SPOT.
- algorithms/3DFreqModeling - 3D time-harmonic acoustic modeling
- algorithms/CommonFreqModeling - general tools for 2D/3D time-harmonic FWI
- _solvers/Krylov - linear system methods + options
- _solvers/Multigrid - Multigrid preconditioner for the Helmholtz equation
- _solvers/QuasiNewton - Quasi Newton optimization methods
- operators/misc - Misc. operators such as interpolation, smoothing and splines
- functions/misc - Misc. functions.
Running & Parallelism
All the examples and results are produced by the scripts found in this software release under applications/WaveformInversion/3DParallelBatching/. Start matlab from that directory or run startup in that directory to add the appropriate paths.
To run the scripts follow the instrictions in the README file enclosed with the code. Most scripts can be run in serial mode.
Read more about SLIM's approach to parallel computing in Matlab.
The functions specific to this package can be found in the mbin directory.
- dload_fslices - Load frequency slices in a distributed fashion
- fwi_exp## - Parameter files corresponding to different FWI experiments
- fwi_exp - Main driver code for running inversion with different experiment settings
- getoption - Option parsing
- load_geometry - Loads the acquisition geometry corresponding to a particular model
- load_model - Loads the velocity associated to a particular model
- minfunc_frugal - Stochastic optimization with various sub-problem optimization kernels
- plot_fwi_exp - Results plotting
- rand_set - Get a binned random vector
- vel_plot - Velocity plotting
Examples and results
Scripts to generate results of examples can be found in the scripts directory. The results are shown here.