Camembert example
This script is based on the famous `Camembert' examples from O. Gauthier, J. Virieux, and A. Tarantola. Two-dimensional nonlinear inversion of seismic waveforms: Numerical results. Geophysics 51, 1387-1403 (1986)
It should take a couple of minutes to run, even in serial mode. To run in parallel, use parpool(3) (or use whatever configuration makes sense on your machine).
The results are stored in the path defined in the script setpath.m
define velocity model
% grid z = 0:10:1000; x = 0:10:1000; [o,d,n] = grid2odn(z,x); [zz,xx] = ndgrid(z,x); % background velocity 2500 [m/s] v0 = 2500 + 0*xx; % circular perturbation with radius 250 m and strenth 10\% dv = 0*xx; dv((xx-500).^2 + (zz-500).^2 <= 250^2) = .1*2500; % plot figure;imagesc(x,z,v0 + dv);xlabel('x [m]');ylabel('z [m]');title('velocity [m/s]');colorbar;
setup modeling parameters for reflection experiment
% grid model_r.o = o; model_r.d = d; model_r.n = n; % number of points for absorbing boundary model_r.nb = [20 20]; % frequencies [5, 10, 15] Hz. model_r.freq = [5 10 15]; nfreq = length(model_r.freq); % Ricker wavelet with peak frequency f0 and phase shift t0 model_r.f0 = 10; model_r.t0 = 0; % source and receiver locations model_r.zsrc = 10; model_r.xsrc = 0:100:1000; nsrc = length(model_r.xsrc); model_r.zrec = 10; model_r.xrec = 0:10:1000; nrec = length(model_r.xrec); % source matrix, each column is a source function defined on the source % grid [model.zsrc, model.xsrc]. Q = speye(nsrc); % squared slowness [km^2/s^2] m = 1e6./(v0(:) + dv(:)).^2;
create data
D_r = F(m,Q,model_r);
% initial model m0 = 1e6./v0(:).^2; % create function handle for misfit fh = misfit_setup(m0,Q,D_r,model_r); % call l-bfgs with default options [mn_r] = mylbfgs(fh,m0); % plot figure;imagesc(x,z,reshape(mn_r,n));xlabel('x [m]');ylabel('z [m]');title('reconstruction from reflection data');
setup modeling parameters for transmission experiment
% grid model_t.o = o; model_t.d = d; model_t.n = n; % number of points for absorbing boundary model_t.nb = [20 20]; % frequencies [5, 10, 15] Hz. model_t.freq = [5 10 15]; nfreq = length(model_t.freq); % Ricker wavelet with peak frequency f0 and phase shift t0 model_t.f0 = 10; model_t.t0 = 0; % source and receiver locations model_t.zsrc = 0:100:1000; nsrc = length(model_t.zsrc); model_t.xsrc = 50; model_t.zrec = 0:10:1000; nrec = length(model_t.zrec); model_t.xrec = 950; % source matrix, each column is a source function defined on the source % grid [model.zsrc, model.xsrc]. Q = speye(nsrc); % squared slowness [km^2/s^2] m = 1e6./(v0(:) + dv(:)).^2;
create data
D_t = F(m,Q,model_t);
% initial model m0 = 1e6./v0(:).^2; % create function handle for misfit fh = misfit_setup(m0,Q,D_t,model_t); % call l-bfgs with default options [mn_t] = mylbfgs(fh,m0); % plot figure;imagesc(x,z,reshape(mn_t,n));xlabel('x [m]');ylabel('z [m]');title('reconstruction from transmission data');
write results
if ~exist([resultsdir 'camembert'],'dir') mkdir([resultsdir 'camembert']); end rsf_write_all([resultsdir 'camembert/vn_r.rsf'],{'out=stdout'},reshape(1e3./sqrt(mn_r),n),d,o); rsf_write_all([resultsdir 'camembert/vn_t.rsf'],{'out=stdout'},reshape(1e3./sqrt(mn_t),n),d,o); rsf_write_all([resultsdir 'camembert/vtrue.rsf'],{'out=stdout'},reshape(v0+dv,n),d,o);