Basic Waveform inversion: Examples and results

Scripts to reproduce the famous Camembert example, as well as results from sevaral papers are included.


Camembert example

The basic functionality of the waveform inversion code is demonstrated on an example based on the famous `Camembert' model [1]. See the script camembert.m.

% true model
v = dlmread([resultsdir '/camembert/vtrue.dat']);
o = [0 0];
d = [10 10];
n = [101 101];
v  = 1e-3*reshape(v,n);
[z,x] = odn2grid(o,d,n);
z = z*1e-3; x = x*1e-3;

figure;imagesc(x,z,v,[2.25 2.75]);colorbar;
xlabel('x [km]');ylabel('z [km]'); title('true model');
% reconstructions
vnr = dlmread([resultsdir '/camembert/vn_r.dat']);
vnt = dlmread([resultsdir '/camembert/vn_t.dat']);
vnr = 1e-3*reshape(vnr,n);
vnt = 1e-3*reshape(vnt,n);

figure;imagesc(x,z,vnr,[2.25 2.75]);colorbar;
xlabel('x [km]');ylabel('z [km]'); title('reconstruction form reflection data');

figure;imagesc(x,z,vnt,[2.25 2.75]);colorbar;
xlabel('x [km]');ylabel('z [km]'); title('reconstruction form tranmission data');