Trace interpolation using weighte L1 in the midpoint offset domain

This script walks through the trace interpolation process using weighted L1 minimization. The weighting takes advantage of the correlation in the support of the curvelet coefficients of adjacent frequency slices in the midpoint-offset (MH) domain.


Set up the working directories and load the data

clear all;
close all;

% set working directories
label = 'wL1FreqMH';
datadir = '../data/';
toolsdir = '../../../../tools/algorithms/AdaptiveSparseRecovery';
outputdir = ['../results/' label];
if ~exist(outputdir,'dir')

% add paths to the working directories

% load data and restrict to the first 500 time samples
load([datadir, 'GulfOfSuez.mat']);
D = D(1:500,:,:);

Generate or load the submsampling mask applied in the source-receiver

dim = size(D);
maskrecv = (randn(dim(2),1) >= 0);
mask = repmat(maskrecv, 1,dim(3));

Convert data and mask to midpoint-offset domain


maskH = logical(reshape(SR*mask(:),dim(2),2*dim(2)));

% Do conversion of full data to midpoint offset
for t = 1:dim(1)

% save the time domain data and dimension
Dtime = D;
dimtime = size(Dtime);

D = DH;
dim = size(D);

% set up the sampling operator in the MH domain

Build Operators


C   = opCurvelet(dim(2),dim(3), max(1,ceil(log2(min(dim(2),dim(3))) - 3)), 16, 1, 'ME', 1);
% 1D Fouerier
F = opDFT(dim(1));

Apply Fourier transform along the time axis

Df = F*D;

display('Finished converting time axis to frequency axis');

Recover only the zero and positive frequencies since the data is real

Dftrunk = Df(1:floor(dim(1)/2)+1,:,:);

dimf = size(Dftrunk);
% subsample the frequency seismic line
for w = 1:dimf(1)
    bf(w,:,:) = reshape(RM*Dftrunk(w,:)',dimf(2), dimf(3));

display('Finished calculating the measurements');

% build the mask volume
maskH_vol = permute(repmat(maskH, [1,1,dim(1)]),[3 1 2]);

Interpolate the seismic line by calling wL1min.m

The wL1min function solves the weighted L1 problem sequentially by partitioning the data volume along the first dimension. The parameter omega in options controls the dependence of the recovery of one partition on the recovery from the previous partition. The default is omega = 0.3. Set omega to a lower value if the correlation between partitions is known to be high, otherwise set omega equal 1 if there is no correlation between partitions. A value of omega = 1 results in the recovery using standard L1 minimization.

% Interpolate the seismic line = 1;
options.fin = dimf(1);
options.transform = C;
options.maxiter = 500;
% set omega = 1 to recover using standard L1 minimization. = 0.3;

[Dfest] = wL1min(bf, maskH_vol, options);

Recover the negative frequencies by taking the conjugate symmetric flip

of the positive frequencies

Dfestflip = flipdim(conj(Dfest(2:end, :,:)),1);
Dfestfull = [Dfest(1:end-1,:,:);Dfestflip];

display('converting frequency seismic line to time seismic line');

% convert back to the time domain
DHest = real(F'*conj(Dfestfull));

% convert back to the source receiver domain
for t = 1:dim(1)

save data in outputdir

D = Dtime;
save([outputdir, '/wL1_freq_MH.mat'], 'DH', 'DHest', 'maskH', 'D', 'Dest', 'mask', 'C', 'SR');