Time domain LSRTM with sparsity promotion
This applications is available only in the software release for members of SINBAD consortium.
This software provides an algorithm to perform least-squares RTM with sparsity promotion using the linearized Bregman method. By subsampling the sources in each iteration, the overall number of PDE solves lies in the range of a regular RTM image, making this method feasible for large-scale problems.
Author: Philipp Witte (pwitte@eos.ubc.ca) Date: February 2016
Downloading & Dependencies
The code can be found in the SLIM software release under /applications/Imaging/TimeDomainLSRTM
The code has been tested with Matlab R2015a and requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
This code uses the following packages, also found in the tools part of the SLIM software release.
- utilities/SPOT - object oriented framework for matrix-free linear algebra.
- utilities/pSPOT - parallel extension of SPOT.
- algorithms/TimeModeling - 2/3D acoustic modeling
- operators/misc - Misc. operators such as interpolation, smoothing and splines
- functions/misc - Misc. functions.
If you want to use your own modules to do modelling or multiple prediction, please contact the author.
Running & Parallelism
All the examples and results are produced by the scripts found in this software release under /applications/Imaging/TimeDomainLSRTM/examples/. Start matlab from /applications/Imaging/TimeDomainLSRTM to add the appropriate paths.
To run the scripts follow the instructions in the README file enclosed inside the folder for each set of examples.
The scripts can be run in serial mode but parallel mode is advised.
Read more about SLIM's approach to parallel computing in Matlab.
Examples and results
Examples and results are shown here. Scripts to reproduce the results can be found under /applications/Imaging/TimeDomainLSRTM/examples.