Fast least-squares imaging with source estimation using multiples: examples and results
Examples included in the software.
Author: Ning Tu ( Date: Dec/17/2015
- Examples using the SEG/EAGE salt model
- Ideal case: data synthesis and inversion using the same linearized modelling
- More realistic case: data sythesis using iWave, inversion using SLIM modelling
- Examples using the Sigsbee 2B model
- Ideal case: synthesis and inversion with the same linearized modelling engine
- More realistic case: data synthesized using iWave, inverted using SLIM modelling engine
- Sensitivity to initial guess of the source wavelet
- true wavelet and initial guesses
Examples using the SEG/EAGE salt model
nt = 2001; dt = 0.004; df = 1/(nt*dt); freq = df:df:12; nf = length(freq); f0 = 5; t0 = -0.25; trueS = ricker_freq(f0,t0,freq); trueS = trueS(:); % These are the true and the background model dz = 24.384; dx = 24.384; b_kz = 0.05/(2*dz); model_file = ['../data/model.mat']; load(model_file) m = vel_true; m0 = vel_bg; m = 1e6./(m.^2); m0 = 1e6./(m0.^2); dm_true = m-m0; show_model(vel_true,'jet',dz,dx) caxis([1.5 4.5]) title('True velocity') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') set_my_figure show_model(vel_bg,'jet',dz,dx) caxis([1.5 4.5]) title('Background velocity') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') set_my_figure
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
Ideal case: data synthesis and inversion using the same linearized modelling
% RTM image result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/linear_RTM.mat']; load(result,'dm_RTM') dm = dm_RTM.*repmat(vec(1:size(dm_RTM,1)).^1, [1 size(dm_RTM,2)]); dm = hp1D_z(dm,dz,dx,b_kz); show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*3e8) set_my_figure title('RTM with the true source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Inversion image with the true source wavelet result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/linear_trueQ_GaussianEnc2_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with true source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Inversion image with a wrong source wavelet result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/linear_wrongQ2_GaussianEnc2_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with a wrong source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Inversion image with source estimation result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/linear_estQ_GaussianEnc2_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.3) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with source estimation') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % plot the estimated source wavelet result_file = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/linear_estQ_GaussianEnc2.mat']; load(result_file,'S_f_full','S_f','fidx') figure plot(freq(fidx),abs([trueS(fidx)/max(trueS(fidx)),S_f/max(S_f)]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 12 0 1.2]) title('Amplitude spectrum of the estimated wavelet') figure plot(freq(fidx),angle([trueS(fidx)/max(trueS(fidx)),S_f/max(S_f)]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Phase') axis([0 12 -3.8 3.8]) title('Phase spectrum of the estimated wavelet')
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
More realistic case: data sythesis using iWave, inversion using SLIM modelling
% RTM image result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/iwave_RTM.mat']; load(result,'dm_RTM') dm = -dm_RTM.*repmat(vec(1:size(dm_RTM,1)).^1, [1 size(dm_RTM,2)]); dm = hp1D_z(dm,dz,dx,b_kz); show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*2e10) set_my_figure title('RTM with the true source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Inversion image with the true source wavelet result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/iwave_finv_trueQ_GaussianEnc2_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(-dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*1.2) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with true source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Inversion image with source estimation result = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/iwave_finv_estQ_GaussianEnc2_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(-dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*15) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with source estimation') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % plot the estimated source wavelet result_file = ['../results/precooked/segsalt/iwave_finv_estQ_GaussianEnc2.mat']; load(result_file,'S_f_full','S_f','fidx') figure plot(freq(fidx),abs([trueS(fidx)/max(trueS(fidx)),S_f/max(S_f)]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 12 0 1.2]) title('Amplitude spectrum of the estimated wavelet') figure ang1 = angle(trueS(fidx)/max(trueS(fidx))); ang2 = angle(S_f/max(S_f)); ang2(14)=ang2(14)-2*pi; plot(freq(fidx),[ang1, ang2],'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Phase') axis([0 12 -3.8 3.8]) title('Phase spectrum of the estimated wavelet')
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
Examples using the Sigsbee 2B model
nt = 1024; dt = 0.008; df = 1/(nt*dt); freq = df:df:38; nf = length(freq); f0 = 15; t0 = 0; trueS = ricker_freq(f0,t0,freq); trueS = trueS(:); % These are the true and the background model dz = 7.62; dx = 7.62; model_file = ['../data/sigsbee_nosalt_model.mat']; load(model_file) m = vel_true; m0 = vel_bg; m = 1e6./(m.^2); m0 = 1e6./(m0.^2); dm_true = m-m0; show_model(vel_true,'jet',dz,dx) caxis([1500 2500]) title('True velocity') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') set_my_figure show_model(vel_bg,'jet',dz,dx) caxis([1500 2500]) title('Background velocity') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') set_my_figure
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
Ideal case: synthesis and inversion with the same linearized modelling engine
% image result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalLinear_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with source estimation') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % estimate of the true velocity model vel_true_est = sqrt(1e6./(1e6./vel_bg.^2+dm)); show_model(vel_true_est,'jet',dz,dx) caxis([1500 2500]) set_my_figure title('Estimated true velocity by adding the inverted image to the background model') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % estimated source wavelet result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalLinear_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc.mat']; load(result,'S_f_full','S_f','fidx') figure plot(freq(fidx),abs([trueS(fidx),S_f]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 38 0 100]) title('Amplitude spectrum of the estimated wavelet') set_my_figure figure plot(freq(fidx),angle([trueS(fidx),S_f]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Phase') axis([0 38 -3.8 3.8]) title('Phase spectrum of the estimated wavelet') set_my_figure
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
More realistic case: data synthesized using iWave, inverted using SLIM modelling engine
% with true source result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_bg_TrueQ_GaussianEnc_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with the true source wavelet') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % with source estimation result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalLinear_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) set_my_figure title('Fast imaging with multiples with the source estimation') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % estimated source wavelet result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor.mat']; load(result,'S_f_full','S_f','fidx') figure plot(freq(fidx),abs([trueS(fidx)/max(trueS(fidx)),S_f/max(S_f)]),'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 38 0 1.2]) title('') set_my_figure figure angSf = angle(S_f); plot(freq(fidx),[angle(trueS(fidx)),angSf],'-o','linewidth',2) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('Phase') axis([0 38 -3.8 3.8]) title('') set_my_figure
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...
Sensitivity to initial guess of the source wavelet
% two wrong intial guesses of the source wavelet
nt = 10231;
dt = 0.0008;
df = 1/(nt*dt);
freq = df:df:38;
nf = length(freq);
freq_full = 0:df:df*floor(nt/2);
freq_mask = get_subset_mask(freq_full,freq);
opFT1D = opFFTsym_conv_mask(nt,freq_mask);
true wavelet and initial guesses
f0 = 15; t0 = 0; trues = ricker_freq(f0,t0,freq); trues = fftshift(opFT1D'*trues(:)); f1 = 15; t1 = -0.056; ig1 = ricker_freq(f1,t1,freq); ig1 = fftshift(opFT1D'*ig1(:)); f2 = 15; t2 = -0.04; ig2 = ricker_freq(f2,t2,freq); ig2 = opFT1D'*ig2(:); ig2 = hilbert(ig2); ig2 = fftshift(imag(ig2)); t_axis = fftshift(0:dt:dt*(nt-1)); t_axis(t_axis>dt*nt/2) = t_axis(t_axis>dt*nt/2) - dt*nt; figure plot(t_axis,[trues,ig1,ig2],'linewidth',2) axis([-0.12 0.18 -2.1 2.7]) set_my_figure(gca,20) xlabel('Time (S)') ylabel('Amplitude') % Initial guess of the source wavelet has a significant time shift result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG1_BS_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) title('Initial guess of the source wavelet has a significant time shift') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Initial guess of the source wavelet has a significant time shift plus a 90 degree phase rotation result = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG2_BS_denoised.mat']; load(result,'dm') show_model(dm,'gray',dz,dx) caxis([-1 1]*0.06) title('Initial guess of the source wavelet has a significant time shift plus a 90 degree phase rotation') xlabel('Lateral distance (m)') ylabel('Depth (m)') % Normalized cross-correlation along inversion % true pert load(model_file) truepert = 1e6./vel_true.^2-1e6./vel_bg.^2; truepert = [repmat(truepert(1,:),[3 1]);truepert]; truepert = truepert(:); % trueQ result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_bg_TrueQ_GaussianEnc.mat']; load(result_file,'info') result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_bg_TrueQ_GaussianEnc_snapshots.mat']; load(result_file,'saved') nupdates = size(saved,2); corvec_trueQ = zeros(nupdates,1); angvec_trueQ = zeros(nupdates,1); for i = 2:nupdates [corvec_trueQ(i) angvec_trueQ(i)] = myncc(truepert,saved(:,i)); end iteraxis_trueQ = zeros(nupdates,1); iteraxis_trueQ(2:end) = cumsum(info.innerloop_list); % IG1 result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG1_BS.mat']; load(result_file,'info') result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG1_BS_snapshots.mat']; load(result_file,'saved') nupdates = size(saved,2); corvec_ig1 = zeros(nupdates,1); angvec_ig1 = zeros(nupdates,1); for i = 2:nupdates [corvec_ig1(i) angvec_ig1(i)] = myncc(truepert,saved(:,i)); end iteraxis_ig1 = zeros(nupdates,1); iteraxis_ig1(2:end) = cumsum(info.innerloop_list); % IG2 result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG2_BS.mat']; load(result_file,'info') result_file = ['../results/precooked/sigsbee/MigTotalFD_iwave_26ss31freq_EstQ_GausEnc_wAmpCor_IG2_BS_snapshots.mat']; load(result_file,'saved') nupdates = size(saved,2); corvec_ig2 = zeros(nupdates,1); angvec_ig2 = zeros(nupdates,1); for i = 2:nupdates [corvec_ig2(i) angvec_ig2(i)] = myncc(truepert,saved(:,i)); end iteraxis_ig2 = zeros(nupdates,1); iteraxis_ig2(2:end) = cumsum(info.innerloop_list); figure plot(iteraxis_trueQ,corvec_trueQ,'-ob','linewidth',2) hold on plot(iteraxis_ig1,corvec_ig1,'-o','color',[0 0.5 0],'linewidth',2) plot(iteraxis_ig2,corvec_ig2,'-o','color',[1 0 0],'linewidth',2) axis([0 55 0 0.8]) xlabel('Iterations') ylabel('Normalized cross-correlation')
Showing a velocity or density model... Showing a velocity or density model...