/Users/sean/workspace/SLIMpy3/slimpy_base/api/linearops/wavelets.py File Reference

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namespace  slimpy_base.api.linearops.wavelets


class  mdwt1
 Rice Wavelet Toolboxes' Wavelet transform. More...
class  mdwt2
 Rice Wavelet Toolboxes' Wavelet transform. More...
class  mrdwt1
 Rice Wavelet Toolboxes' Redundant Wavelet transform. More...
class  mrdwt2
 Rice Wavelet Toolboxes' Redundant Wavelet transform. More...
class  dwt
 Wavelet transform on any axis. More...


def dwt2
 Wavelet transform in two dimensions.
def dwt3
 Wavelet transform in three dimensions.


string __copyright__
 A SLIMpy linear operator consists of a dictionary of values operator_dict and an undefined pipeobject to be defined upon application to a vector.
string __license__

Generated on Sun Aug 10 09:11:07 2008 for SLIMpy by  doxygen 1.5.6