/Users/sean/workspace/SLIMpy3/slimpy_base/api/functions/spboolean.py File Reference

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namespace  slimpy_base.api.functions.spboolean
namespace  scalar_functions


def equal
 Test if two vectors are equal per element.
def not_equal
 Test if two vectors are not equal per element.
def less_than
 Test if elements of vec1 are less than vec2.
def less_than_eq
 Test if elements of vec1 are less than or equal to vec2.
def greater_than
 Test if elements of vec1 are greater than vec2.
def greater_than_eq
 Test if elements of vec1 are greater than or equal to vec2.
def or_
 Test if elements of either vec1 or vec2 are non-zero.
def and_
 Test if elements of both vec1 or vec2 are non-zero.


string __copyright__
string __license__

Generated on Sun Aug 10 09:11:07 2008 for SLIMpy by  doxygen 1.5.6