Adaptive curvelet-domain primary-multiple separation |
The authors would like to thank R. Saab and O. Yilmaz for developing the Bayesian thresholding technique and C.C. Stolk for his implementation of the curvelet-domain smoothness constraint. We also would like to thank the authors of CurveLab ( The plots were prepared with Madagascar ( The matched-filter method was implemented in scientific python ( with PyCurveLab ( Norsk Hydro is thanked for the field dataset. This work was in part financially supported by the NSERC Discovery (22R81254) and CRD Grants DNOISE (334810-05) of F.J.H. and was carried out as part of the SINBAD project with support, secured through ITF, from BG Group, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell.